I discovered this exhibition online and decided to visit as it strongly supports my practice. The story of the mythological tower is something i read about as a child, myths and fables have always interested me and were always a dominating theme within my childhood, so i am not surprised that my practice has (perhaps subconsciously) turned down this route. Personally i find historical architecture interesting to learn about, and find it visually stimulating. The thought of these amazing structures once having existed, having been built purely by hard labour under immense visionary skills, is something i enjoy researching and am sure will benefit my concepts positively.
The Story has reached us most widely through the Bible, the most extensively read book in the world. This is what gives the Babylon fantasy its remarkable reach. From the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians; the taking into captivity of the Jews; the psalmist laments about sitting by the rivers of Babylon, the Tigris and the Euphrates, and remembering Zion, have all entered our consciousness on a primary level through the education of the Bible. When stalking the halls of the British Museum i find myself engrossed in all and everything it has to offer.
The show consists of a thoroughly absorbing display of relaxed revisionism that sets out to tackle the myths about Babylon. Its not filled with ancient treasures, and marvelous wonders from the old world. Instead, an interesting array of maps, models, texts and photos, accompanied by a precious selection of battered artifacts make up the source of the exhibition, in a comprehensive telling of Babylon’s fantastical story. An exciting display of hopeless western pictures, desperately trying to visualize the distant Metropolis present some of the exhibitions most interesting work.
The most exciting artworks on display are western pictures trying hopelessly to visualise distant Babylon.